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Details of ID: 276415

Name: Matt Gajewski
Date of Birth: 1984-04-14
Age: 21 yrs
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 63.5 kg
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blond
Build Body: Wiry
Education: University
Profession: Trust fund
Smoker: Jacket only
Drinker: No
Zodiac Signs: Aries
Religion: Hopeless agnostic
Marital Status: In a relationship

Languages: English4 (understands written text, can write and speak on the phone almost no communication barrier)
Czech2 (understands written text with help of dictionary)

In own words: stately, rounded corners, the future today
Seeks Partner: Loyal friend is a beginning of new family where love will raise for both people. If you miss your love and feelings, write me. I know how to make you happy until the rest of the life.
His Location: Bielsk Podlaski, Poland